Our new showroom is Open

Well... that took a bit longer than expected.

After a long delay we are delighted to open our new showroom at 6 Echelon Place in East Tamaki.

Just 700 Metres from our old showroom, the new one is part of our new factory that is dedicated solely to the assembly of your orders.

It features a new slimline above fridge cabinet. This allows a fridge cavity of 1810mm which is large enough for a two door fridge.

The showroom is open each day from 9am - 5pm and on Saturdays from 9am -1 pm.

So if you would like to check out our product look and feel, get some help with a design or just get some idea's about how we might be able to help please come in and see us.

See ya soon

The Cabjaks Crew,

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